Who We Are
FOST is made up of a professional team that is committed to providing our customers with the highest level of training available. We believe the success of any company is proven by how highly they are regarded by there clients; it is with this in mind that we nurture and proudly boast positive and beneficial relationships with all those that undertake our services.

Our Mission
Lifting You Higher. We are not just lifting things, but entire businesses. This is our motto and reminds us daily of the reason we do what we do and keeps us motivated to deliver the very best service to our clients.

Our Vision
Through hands-on experience we know in real time how millions of lifting devices and machine tools perform.

We use and continually improve on this knowledge daily to make our customer's operations safer and more productive.

Our Company Values
We understand the importance of TRUST IN PEOPLE both on the side of the client and the service provider.

TOTAL SERVICE COMMITMENT because the pride and success of every undertaking is imperative to the future of our business and yours.

Business health and security is SUSTAINED PROFITABILITY - this effects all areas and services of business and requires proactive intelligent management.

Our Aims
We want to be known for our great people.

We want to be known for always keeping our promises and delivering a quality of service that we can be proud of.

We want to be known as a financially sound company through consistent and successful undertakings that are mutually beneficial.

To Our Clients
It is with gratitude that we thank our clients for their loyalty and support because as much as they trust us with their staff, we are made better by every undertaking and partnerships through the relationship that are forged through our training.

- Thank You. -

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FOST Training - Lifting You Higher
Forklift . Operational . Safety . Training

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